Here is the data object I'm sending in to the line_items endpoint in the RestAPI:
{ "printed": false, "exchanged": false, "refunded": false, "refund": { "transactionInfo": { "isTokenBasedTx": false, "emergencyFlag": false } }, "isRevenue": true, "name": "Drip Coffee - 12oz Hot", "price": 355, "priceWithModifiers": 355, "taxRates": [{ "name": "Sales Tax", "rate": 9750, "isDefault": true, "id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" }] }
Here is the payment object I'm sending in to pay the order:
{ "amount": 390, "tipAmount": 71, "taxAmount": 35, "tender": { "id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "taxRates": [{ "name": "Sales Tax", "rate": 9750, "isDefault": true, "taxableAmount": 355, "taxAmount": 35, "id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" }] }
For some reason, the taxes will not show up on my order in my virtual terminal:
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!