
samuvau avatar image
samuvau asked pashakorobok answered

Local Bank Internet Payment Gateway

Is it possible to integrate a local bank IPG (Internet Payment Gateway) to receive payments?

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charlesaguirre avatar image charlesaguirre commented ·

It's advisable to directly reach out to the local bank and consult with their technical support or business development team to get accurate and up-to-date information on integrating their IPG into your website or online uno online platform.

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jaske09 avatar image
jaske09 answered

I want to integrate clover payment gateway in my application (Laravel Based), and i did not get anything on

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pashakorobok avatar image
pashakorobok answered

When I encountered problems setting up a bank online payment gateway, vanguard customer service was very helpful. The consultants patiently explained how to set up all the steps, helped to fix an error in the system and suggested what additional settings could be made to improve security. I am very glad that I contacted them because everything was quick and stress-free. The support service is really great!

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