
jwdonaldson99 avatar image
jwdonaldson99 asked mannl2 answered

Batch Credit Card Processing

Is it possible to run a batch of charges on customer cards? I couldn't find anything other than making single charges using the e-commerce API. We have several different types of recurring charges, but we can't use clovers default recurring payment option because of some complexity with the way we handle the recurring payments.

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1 Answer

mannl2 avatar image
mannl2 answered forrind edited

Yes, it is possible to run a batch of charges on customer cards using the Clover e-commerce API. While the e-commerce API primarily supports single charges, you can create a custom solution to handle batch charges for your specific needs.

Here's a general approach you can consider:

Retrieve customer card information: Ensure you have stored the customer card information securely on your system or within the Clover platform. You'll need the card details to process the charges.

Implement batch charge logic: Develop a script or program that can iterate through your list of customers or recurring charge details and initiate individual charge requests using the e-commerce API for each customer.

Utilize recurring billing logic: Implement your own recurring billing logic within your custom solution to handle the complexities specific to your payment flow. This could involve managing billing cycles, calculating amounts, and scheduling charges at the appropriate intervals. MyBKExperience Survey

Best regard,

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