
hsukhwa avatar image
hsukhwa asked parquet76 edited

Regarding Idempotency-Key usage for REST Pay

About Idempotency-Key, when I cancel the transaction with A1234567890123 and retry the transaction with the same Idempotency-Key A1234567890123, the response is the same as the canceled transaction.

Is it impossible to process the transaction with the same Idempotency-Key when the transaction is canceled or has an issue?

If it is possible, how to process with the same Idempotency-Key?

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

That is the expected and desired behavior. If you are cancelling the transaction then you would need to start a new transaction with a new idempotency key.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

More details on the key can be found here:

there is also a nice blog detailing the different keys and when to use them.

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