
jatin-patel avatar image
jatin-patel asked parquet76 edited

Clover Quick Edit doesn't send an INVENTORY Hook

We get webhooks for inventory changes. Right now, if we use the "Quick Edit" button on the web dashboard to make a change, we do not receive a webhook for that event! What can we do? Is this a clover bug?

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jackboyd avatar image
jackboyd answered parquet76 edited


Yes, it seems like a limitation of Clover's webhook system that inventory changes made using the "Quick Edit" button on the web dashboard do not trigger an inventory webhook event. This may be considered a bug or an intentional design choice by Clover.

As a workaround, you could consider using a different method to make inventory changes, such as the Clover API, which should trigger the webhook event properly. Alternatively, you could manually trigger a webhook event after making changes using the "Quick Edit" button, but this would require additional development effort on your end. GreenSkyOnline

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jatin-patel avatar image jatin-patel commented ·
Hi. Yeah...but that seems to be a very real bug/problem. Your solution of using a different method requires a merchant or Clover rep/account manager to be aware of this bug and to avoid using the quick edits. That's a risky proposition when you want your system 100% reliable. Clover has to provide a guaranteed method of discerning that inventory was changed for it to be usable. Also, I just found that this same lack of hook problem occurs if you import inventory from a spreadsheet. This type of import is very common. I'm just surprised that such a glaring problem hasn't been addressed. It renders the hook useless (we can't rely on it) and there are no alternatives.
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 jatin-patel commented ·

It's a bug and should be reported to Clover developer relations. The suggested workaround doesn't make sense.

The only real option which isn't perfect is to:

1) Document the issue so your merchants understand that inventory may not always sync, provide a manually trigger on your app's side to sync inventory (globally or for individual items).

2) In addition to 1, use the API at a few set times through-out the day and query inventory where the modifiedTime is after the last time you checked, update all items accordingly.

Not perfect, but those are the only options available. This has been a problem for a long time which proves it isn't a priority. 1 and 2 above are the best you can do.

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tarafoster avatar image
tarafoster answered

If you are not receiving webhooks for changes made using the "Quick Edit" button on the web dashboard, it is likely a Clover bug. You should contact Clover support to report the issue and request a resolution.

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