
mybmr avatar image
mybmr asked mybmr commented

Inventory Item added from Clover Device doesn't reflect in Clover Web Dashboard neither in Rest API response.

Hello Team,

We have encountered an issue where newly added inventory items from our Clover device and emulator are not appearing on the Clover Web Dashboard. Additionally, these items are not being retrieved when we use the REST API to fetch all inventories.

Could you please provide us with a solution to address this issue at your earliest convenience?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

REST APIClover Android SDKclover developer communityInventoryWebhooks
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1 Answer

mybmr avatar image
mybmr answered mybmr commented

Hello ,

We have the same issue with Orders as well. The Orders which are placed from Clover Device is not getting added to Clover. When we tried to find orders in the Clover web dashboard placed from the device were Not Found. Please suggest a way to overcome this issue.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·
Is this in sandbox on a devkit? If so, it sounds like the device is offline or not syncing to the server. You may want to try a factory reset. If it's a prod device your merchant should contact Clover support.
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mybmr avatar image mybmr parquet76 commented ·
Hi, @, We are facing this issue in Sandbox Emulator and Production Real Device.

We found that orders with Cash Tendered were not syncing to the Clover web dashboard. We are facing such issues in Inventory and Order syncing to the Clover web dashboard.

Moreover, the Device is not in Offline mode.

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mybmr avatar image mybmr parquet76 commented ·

Hi, @, We are facing this issue in Sandbox Emulator and Production Real Device.

We found that orders with Cash Tendered were not syncing to the Clover web dashboard. We are facing such issues in Inventory and Order syncing to the Clover web dashboard.

Moreover, the Device is not in Offline mode.

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