
julien avatar image
julien asked bryanvargas commented

Cannot send tipAdjust on an Auth request


I'm sending an Auth request, which gets approved with a credit card. When trying to tipAdjust it, I get this result:

"Payment is not adjustable Error adding tip.  Payment with id = ************* for the order ************* is not a PREAUTH, it is a "

I've noticed that in the original auth, the following is set:


I assume that because that transaction has been marked as a sale, it rejects the tip adjustment.

If this is the case, what is the logic that decides if an auth is a sale?


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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered
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julien avatar image
julien answered


This doesn't answer my question, as I am doing an Auth request, which I am later trying to amend to add a tip. Why is my tipAdjustAuth rejected?


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julien avatar image
julien answered bryanvargas commented

Hi, is there any update on this?

It's been more than a month

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Please provide more details on your code logic for me to take a look, because if it is returning as a Sale then you can't tip adjust after payment -- it prompts before payment.

Because when I run a sample I was able to tip adjust and the transaction is an Auth:

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julien avatar image julien bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Here's a small sample:

val authRequest = AuthRequest()
authRequest.amount = Math.round(request.amount * 100)
authRequest.externalId =
if (request.isManualEntry) {
    authRequest.cardEntryMethods = CardEntryMethods.ALL

authRequest.disableRestartTransactionOnFail = true
authRequest.autoAcceptSignature = true
authRequest.autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations = true

Can you provide your sample so I can see the difference? Or better, provide the logic that decides whether "isSale" is set to true or not?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 julien commented ·

I am guessing you will need to provide Clover with the environment/merchant id. Pre authorizations may be disabled for the merchant.

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