
ubooktoday avatar image
ubooktoday asked ubooktoday commented

my client want to add tip using auhrequest . is this possible ?

Hi, I am current using Cloud display semi -integrate to my POS with clover mini.

we allow client to choose Sale or Auth.

When we are using sale, there is tips option for customer to select on the the clover mini screen.

When we are using AUTH, there is not tip option for customer to select.

my question is there away to turn on the tip option if we use AUTHrequest? thanks

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ubooktoday commented

A sale is a final transaction and this the tip must be added before the payment. An auth is an adjustable transaction and a tip can be added later, please see - and our API docs - (please see the auth function documentation for how to add a tip to an auth).

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ubooktoday avatar image ubooktoday commented ·

My question is why when I do a sale transaction, there is a tips option show up on the clover mini for me to add before the payment, but when I do an AUTH transaction, I don't see the tips option on the screen so I can add tips before the payment. Can I add tip before the Auth payment transaction as well?

My Auto transaction is only print put the receipt with tip line for customer to enter and I have to enter it later. We know how to add tip later to an auth transaction.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ubooktoday commented ·

If you want to add a tip before, run a sale, not an auth. I don't understand your use case, perhaps you can explain it.

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ubooktoday avatar image ubooktoday David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The reason I ask because my client said that he uses different POS using Clover mini and it allows him to add tips before payment with the AUTH transaction. He can go back and edit it later if the customer want to change amount of tips.

It does not make sense to me neither but I have to ask you to confirm that with an AUTH, we can not add tip before the payment.

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