
robincarlberg avatar image
robincarlberg asked lisalm edited

How to stop double printing receipts

My clover device just started printing 2 receipts for every transaction. Why did this happen and how can I get it to stop? I called customer service, but was taken straight to a satisfaction survey with my call back instead of actually getting to talk to a rep :-(

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

It looks like this is a known issue that we are working to resolve. I believe there is a work-around, you can set payment receipts to print automatically. From the device go to the setup app -> Payment Receipts -> Check Automatically print customer receipt after each order.

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robincarlberg avatar image
robincarlberg answered

Thank you for your quick response! I went and changed in the system. Our store is only open every other Thursday, so it will be a while before I know it worked, but I will let you know :-)

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mutinyislandvodka avatar image
mutinyislandvodka answered David Marginian commented

So is Clover going to supply us with free paper until this gets fixed? I will try the work around, but not everyone wants/needs a receipt and that is a huge waste of paper!

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
This should be resolved soon, the update with the fix will be rolling out over the next week or so.
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mutinyislandvodka avatar image
mutinyislandvodka answered David Marginian edited

Any update on this?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Are you still experiencing this issue? Or, are you using the work-around and need to know when to switch back?
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mutinyislandvodka avatar image mutinyislandvodka David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks! Yes, still using the work-a-round. Haven't tested it out yet, but can if Clover thinks the issue has been resolved.
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mutinyislandvodka commented ·

The fastest route for you to determine if the issue has been resolved is to test it. I am guessing it has been resolved but this forum is to support third party developers that build apps on our platform. I would have to research it which will take time.

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don avatar image
don answered


I've been a Clover Mini customer since 2016. This problem just started for us. I called Clover Support this past Saturday and the agent wasn't able to resolve. She suggested the (print receipt automatically) solution - it didn't help. After the first one auto-prints, another prints with RECEIPT REPRINT in bold at the bottom, just like when autoprint is off. Not every customer wants a printed receipt, so auto-printing isn't an appropriate workaround for us anyway. The agent said she'd escalate this to a higher level and I'd get a call today, but nothing yet.


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joeydsmokes avatar image
joeydsmokes answered

I just had this issue called support and solved this issue of printing a second receipt Go to the Printer tab and it will show you your both Recipt Printer station an Order Printer station you have to delete the Order Printer hit the Order Printer and hit your delete trash can icon tab and now you will only print one receipt.

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joeydsmokes avatar image
joeydsmokes answered

In Printer app Use Only the Recipt Printer station and delete the Recipt Order Station.Problem solved and you will only print one receipt saving your printer paper!

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donutamong avatar image
donutamong answered

Whenever the first receipt prints automatically, a second one prints with receipt reprint in bold at the bottom, exactly as it does when autoprint is turned off. Even if it were, not all customers would desire a printed receipt, thus we couldn't use it as an excuse to implement automatic printing. The representative assured me that she would notify the appropriate superior and that I would get a call today; however, that has not happened. redactle

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