
thoughtspacewebsites avatar image
thoughtspacewebsites asked lisalm edited

Card Present Refunds With Javascript SDK Take Long Time

Hey Guys,

We have around 15 Clover devices in our store, and we have a semi integration that uses the Javascript SDK for communication over the secure network pay display. When we go to refund a charge, we have to call a function from the JS SDK and pass in the associated transaction. If we refund a charge from the same register / machine that the charge was created from, the refund happens very quickly, within a second or two. If, however, we process the refund from a different register / Clover device pairing, it takes sometimes upwards of three to four minutes to complete. I've placed timers in my code right before the call to connector.refundPayment, and inside of the callback function, and can verify that all of the time being consumed during our card present refund process is indeed being consumed waiting on the Clover device to respond. This happens consistently and is reproducible in our environment. Any ideas why we would have slow performance on refunds when they're issued from another Clover device?

Refundsecure network pay display
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thoughtspacewebsites avatar image
thoughtspacewebsites answered

Hey Guys, just wanted to check in here to see if you had any thoughts. Not sure if this is still the best place for this question. Please just let me know. Thanks.

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thoughtspacewebsites avatar image
thoughtspacewebsites answered

Hey, anyone from the Clover team that can give me some feedback here? Even if I should be asking this question in a different place, can someone please let me know? This has been sitting for over a week...

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emmausa avatar image
emmausa answered emmausa edited

Existing card refunds with Javascript SDK may take a long time depending on various factors such as network speed, computer hardware and software resources, server processing time, and processing time request processing time contexto game in your SDK.

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