
sonu avatar image
sonu asked Gibson HIll answered

How to pre authorized customer and do the payment ?

Hi Team,

We need to pre authorized a customer with card details and do the payment in background so how can we achieve this functionality through the clover APIs? Please suggest us.

Thanks in Advance

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Nicholas Ho avatar image Nicholas Ho ♦♦ commented ·
Hello Sonu, are you just trying to enable pre-auth on your device or are you trying to accept pre-auth payments through our E-commerce API or through a semi-integration?
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sonu avatar image sonu Nicholas Ho ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Nicholas, thanks for the response, We need to pre-auth for customer through E-commerce APIs. We don't want to open any payment screen. We want to do payment in background through the APIs with pre authorization. So please suggest us on this.

Thanks in Advance.

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sonu avatar image sonu Nicholas Ho ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Nicholas, We have used E-commerce charge API's to do pre-auth transactions as you suggest us but we want to perform pre-auth transactions to a particular order. If we used E-commerce charge API's there is no option to add order details to do payment.
Our requirement is:-

1. First Pre-authorization a customer for an order.

2. Add item into an order.

3. Do the final payment according to the amount.

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Nicholas Ho avatar image
Nicholas Ho answered

Hello, our E-commerce API's Charge endpoint can do pre-auth by setting capture to false:

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sonu avatar image
sonu answered

Hi Nicholas, thanks for the response,

We are trying to implement pre-auth functionality without using clover sdk.

If we use clover SDK and use this event "ACTION_SECURE_PAY " in clover device we get the auth resonse with payment .We want to implement same functionality using clover rest api so please provide the suggest us on this.

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Gibson HIll avatar image
Gibson HIll answered

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