@ Clover team,
I have Order type Id which is from calling orderlist api. Now I want to get the ordertype object by this id for showing type information.
Any help will be appreciable. Thanks in advance.
Thank you, Manish
@ Clover team,
I have Order type Id which is from calling orderlist api. Now I want to get the ordertype object by this id for showing type information.
Any help will be appreciable. Thanks in advance.
Thank you, Manish
I'm not clear on what API functions you are using, is this a web app or an android app? Can you provide some code snippets to show what you are currently doing?
I am calling web API from my Android app. Web API also created our-self which have clover provided value also our custom data. We can add another field for Ordertype Level, but I am looking for SDK function. Earlier I found that Merchant object provide order type but there doesn't have any connector for v3 merchant, v1 merchant doesn't provide ordertype. So I a looking for any other way I can achieve ordertype or need to add on API?
Take a look at https://www.clover.com/api_docs#!/mer...
Here are the endpoints:
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types -- GET
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types -- POST
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types/{orderTypeId} -- GET
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types/{orderTypeId} -- PUT
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types/{orderTypeId} -- POST
v3/merchants/{mId}/order_types/{orderTypeId} -- DELETE
Here is a description of an OrderType object:
"customerIdMethod": "",
"maxRadius": "long",
"hours": {
"reference": {
"id": ""
"sunday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"saturday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"tuesday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"name": "",
"wednesday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"thursday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"friday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"id": "",
"monday": [
"start": "int",
"end": "int"
"taxable": false,
"filterCategories": false,
"fee": "long",
"avgOrderTime": "long",
"label": "",
"systemOrderTypeId": "",
"isHidden": false,
"isDefault": false,
"minOrderAmount": "long",
"isDeleted": false,
"hoursAvailable": "",
"id": "",
"maxOrderAmount": "long",
"categories": [
"id": ""
"labelKey": ""
@jacobabrams Looks like the orderType end points are on merchants api call. https://www.clover.com/api_docs#!/merchants/GetOrderTypes
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