
shehryar-hashmi avatar image
shehryar-hashmi asked shehryar-hashmi commented

Mark order status as paid and order type online

Hello Clover We have already built an application for a restaurant in Chicago. We have tested one order but some information is missing i.e Order status is open which must be paid because when someone orders from our application customer will pay first and payment is received through Stripe, and the second thing order type must be online but in our app it says nothing. I have attached a screenshot below. Please connect me with your API developers so we can fix this issue. We just need an API document to resolve this issue. I have attached a screenshot of the order received on the Clover tab using our application.


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered shehryar-hashmi commented

We have an EComm API, is there a reason why you aren't using it?

If you want to continue to use an external payment source you need to create a payment record for the order via

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shehryar-hashmi avatar image shehryar-hashmi commented ·

I've used this API.

Body Parameters


"offline": "false",

"transactionSettings": {

"disableCashBack": "false",

"cloverShouldHandleReceipts": "true",

"forcePinEntryOnSwipe": "false",

"disableRestartTransactionOnFailure": "false",

"allowOfflinePayment": "false",

"approveOfflinePaymentWithoutPrompt": "false",

"forceOfflinePayment": "false",

"disableReceiptSelection": "false",

"disableDuplicateCheck": "false",

"autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": "false",

"autoAcceptSignature": "false",

"returnResultOnTransactionComplete": "false",

"disableCreditSurcharge": "false"


"transactionInfo": {

"isTokenBasedTx": "false",

"emergencyFlag": "false"



Token : 811aebde-2801-550b-a266-3ad843bbc21f

Response :

{ "elements" : [], "href" : "" }

Pleae guide what we missed and what should be the exact API call.

Please share postman collection for this one, we need it.
our order could not changed to PAID.
Please help as soon as possible
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shehryar-hashmi avatar image shehryar-hashmi shehryar-hashmi commented ·
@ please review above code and guide me accordingly.

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shehryar-hashmi avatar image
shehryar-hashmi answered

@ please guide me on above code

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