
stevclem avatar image
stevclem asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Reassigning orders to another customer

I am a Clover user, not a Clover developer. I don't know anything about API's nor do I want to know anything about API's. I just want a simple fundamental function and I am trying to find out if it exists in Clover or in a third party app.

I have situations where my Clover POS users will occasionally forget to process some orders starting with a customer record. For example, they might process a cash or check order, then after the fact they realize that they should have started the order with a customer. I want the ability, after the fact, to reassign that cash/check order to the appropriate customer. This seems like a pretty basic capability, but I am not finding a way to do that. Is there something I am missing that would help resolve this gap? Is there a third party app that will do this?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

This forum is for Clover developers, and we generally answer questions about our API, etc. There may be a third party app that does this, I am not sure. I don't think there is a way to do this via standard Clover POS functions.

This can be done quite easily via API (which I know you are not interested in, but someone else may be):


       "id": "customerIdHere" 

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