We are doing a daily download of our order data from Clover using the REST API. We need to send the data to our accounting department, but they need some information about the data itself.
- How unique are the Order IDs, LineItem IDs, Payment IDs, etc.? I have 10 merchant accounts and 300 Clover Mobiles. Are these IDs unique across all merchant accounts AND Clover units - that is, will we EVER see a duplicate Order ID?
1a. Or EVER see a duplicate LineItem ID?
1b. Or EVER see a duplicate Payment ID?
1c. Or EVER see a duplicate CardTransaction ID?
What are the possible Order State values?
What does each Order State mean?
What are the possible Order Type values?
What does each Order Type mean?
What are the possible Order PayType values?
What does each PayType mean?
What is the CardTransaction Reference ID?
What is the ReferenceID used for?
What is the CardTransaction TransactionNo?
What is the TransactionNo used for?
What is the CardTransaction AvsResult?
What is the AvsResult used for?
What are the possible CardTransaction Type values?
What does each CardTransaction Type mean?
What are the possible CardTransaction State values?
What does each CardTransaction State mean?
Are the answers to these questions in documentation somewhere?