
quinnsunday avatar image
quinnsunday asked David Marginian edited

API Payments reporting under every employee


Our integration sends payments to Clover. When we do this we include the employee ID of the employee on the order.

However, when looking at employee's payments, employee who's IDs we don't send are seeing as done our payments.

Has anyone hear about this happen? Would there be a way to make sure our payments report only under the employee who we sent their id for?


REST APIEmployees
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I haven't looked at this in quite some time, but I believe the payment will be associated with the owner of the access token you are using which should generally be the owner of the merchant account. Is that what you are seeing?

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michaelelias avatar image
michaelelias answered David Marginian edited

I've run into this issue as well. The API allows setting an employee ID when adding a payment to an order through the REST API. On Sandbox the employee is set correctly on the payment, but in production, the default employee of the Clover account is used and the provided employee is ignored.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I don't see how this behavior is not different across environments. The employee associated with the payment should always be the owner of the token being used to make the API call.

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