
webforte avatar image
webforte asked David Marginian commented

Gift Card and custom charges to order

1. How can apply digital gift cards using Using API. Clover does accept their gift cards through clover devices but are they supported with the API?

2. Is there any way we apply a dynamic additional charge in atomic order. like delivery fee and another custom charge to order.


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered


2) The atomic order request accepts a serviceCharge, see the API reference. I believe they must be predefined though.

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webforte avatar image
webforte answered David Marginian commented


We are already aware of this. want to add custom charges, not service charges. because its fixed

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You would have to use a line item to reflect that charge.

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webforte avatar image webforte David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

But when we apply fixed amount of discount on line item then its mismatch the tax price.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ webforte commented ·

What you are saying is unclear. If you do not want taxes applied to the charge line item then you would need to use a non-tax item. If you do not want the discount to apply to the service then you would need to use line item level discounts (not the full order). Currently, there are no other options that I am aware of.

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webforte avatar image
webforte answered David Marginian commented


Is there any other way we can apply a clover gift card on an order using API.

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