
aripa avatar image
aripa asked David Marginian commented

Create a payment with custom 'attributes'

I've created a payment with custom 'attributes'. When I use the rest api to retrieve the payment it doesn't have 'attributes'. In the request parameter I use expand=paymentAttributes

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Can you explain how you are creating the payment?

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aripa avatar image
aripa answered David Marginian commented

using Clover Android SDK

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

What specific API are you using?

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aripa avatar image aripa David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·


Let me explain more detailed

In order to create payment we use 'remote-pay-android'

and request looks like this:

val saleRequest = SaleRequest(amount, getNextId())
saleRequest.signatureEntryLocation = DataEntryLocation.NONE
saleRequest.cardNotPresent = true
saleRequest.externalReferenceId = saleRequest.externalId
saleRequest.extras = extras

In oreder to get payment on the server side we use this API:

and I expect my 'extras' params in the payment

but unfortunatly I can't get my 'extras' in the payment

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ aripa commented ·
AFAIK extras are pass-through values for the gateway, they aren't stored in Clover. I don't quite understand your use case. If you just need to store something associated with the payment, that doesn't need to be stored in Clover. Map the extra values to your payment id and store them in your POS.
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