I have 3 clover POS machines that i acquire over 3 years of time. 2 of them are old and one of POS system i got within last 3 months.
when i call inventory API I'm getting 2 type of response for 3 location.
this is the Response Clover website getting when i check the specific item (i copied this one from browser developer tools)
"elements": [ { "id": "FYS6C43CDZFFT", "hidden": false, "available": true, "autoManage": false, "options": { "elements": [ ] }, "name": "3chi Black Raspberry 400mg", "alternateName": "", "code": "850005759256", "sku": "", "price": 3999, "priceType": "FIXED", "defaultTaxRates": true, "unitName": "", "cost": 0, "isRevenue": true, "stockCount": 0, "taxRates": { "elements": [ { "id": "NCKDMJ8RJ6QSY", "name": "Sales Tax", "rate": 600000, "isDefault": true } ] }, "modifierGroups": { "elements": [ ] }, "categories": { "elements": [ { "id": "5D0YYX1CX7JT6", "name": "wellness", "sortOrder": 4 } ] }, "tags": { "elements": [ ] }, "itemStock": { "item": { "id": "FYS6C43CDZFFT" }, "stockCount": 1, "quantity": 1.0, "modifiedTime": 1635377961000 }, "modifiedTime": 1635377960000 } ], "href": "http://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/HCHW6CEMFT2W1/items?find=name%20LIKE%20%25FYS6C43CDZFFT%25&find=alternateName%20LIKE%20%25FYS6C43CDZFFT%25&find=sku%20LIKE%20%25FYS6C43CDZFFT%25&find=id%20LIKE%20%25FYS6C43CDZFFT%25&find=itemCode%20LIKE%20%25FYS6C43CDZFFT%25&order_by=name&limit=26" }
but when i call Inventory api using post man i'm getting No response to below link . this giving me 204 error saying no content available. ( I used correct Token )
Then same item when i call from my API backend I'm getting below response
elements: [ { id: 'FYS6C43CDZFFT', hidden: false, available: true, autoManage: false, name: '3chi Black Raspberry 400mg', alternateName: '', code: '850005759256', sku: '', price: 3999, priceType: 'FIXED', defaultTaxRates: true, unitName: '', cost: 0, isRevenue: true, stockCount: 0, modifiedTime: 1635377960000 } ], href: 'http://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/HCHW6CEMFT2W1/items?find=itemCode%20LIKE%20%25850005759256%25&find=name%20LIKE%20%25850005759256%25&find=alternateName%20LIKE%20%25850005759256%25&find=id%20LIKE%20%25850005759256%25&limit=100' }
so my question is here i get stock count as 0. but actual stock is 1. why i'm getting different JSON models for each time for same item in same location. and other 2 locations using same call i can get direct stock count.this problem only occurred for new location..!
how can i get all locations inventory in same JSON data model