Hello, I am implementing a custom tender. I have problem accessing the payType field of the order, the value is always null, even if I do process a split payment.
Moreover during the processing I need to access some info about which items are being paid for, if a split payment takes place. Client can be eligible to earn some bonuses specific for items. When the order is split, I need to differentiate between 'his' items and other items (in the case of split by items).
I tried to use code similar to the one in OrderCalc, but the bundle is always null.
public Decimal getSplitPercent() {
// TODO: consider removing when making this sdk public - used for transient calculations
Bundle bundle = line.getBundle();
LineItemPercent lineItemPercent = bundle.getParcelable(KEY_PERCENT);
if (lineItemPercent != null) {
return lineItemPercent.percent.multiply(HUNDRED);
return HUNDRED;
Is there a way to access that important info about order splitting in a custom tender?
Thank you, Ondrej