
bbiwer avatar image
bbiwer asked James Tickett commented

Clover apps crash after update

After applying all Clover updates to my test devices (physical and emulator), the Launcher and other Clover apps (Connection History, Metrics, and perhaps others) are crashing. The behavior continued after a factory reset and fresh installation of development APKs.

Android v4.4.2/19 No special setup; connecting to US prod Setups have worked perfectly for months.

Here are the exceptions from device manager:

DatabaseUtils(17195): Writing exception to parcel
DatabaseUtils(17195): java.lang.SecurityException: Access denied to package com.clover.launcher
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at com.clover.engine.authenticator.AccountAuthenticator.checkCallerClover(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at com.clover.engine.providers.AppInfoProvider.query(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at android.content.ContentProvider.query(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
DatabaseUtils(17195):   at Method)

DatabaseUtils(20169): Writing exception to parcel
DatabaseUtils(20169): java.lang.SecurityException: Forbidden
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at com.clover.metrics.MetricsProvider.authenticate(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at com.clover.content.Provider.getSQLContext(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at com.clover.content.Provider.update(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at com.clover.content.sync.SyncProvider.update(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at com.clover.metrics.MetricsProvider.update(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.update(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
DatabaseUtils(20169):   at Method)

clover(17195): java.lang.SecurityException: Caller com.clover.engine is not Clover or System
clover(17195):  at com.clover.engine.providers.LockScreenProvider.checkBinderPermission(
clover(17195):  at
clover(17195):  at android.content.ContentProvider$
clover(17195):  at
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceClient.loadEngineKeyStore(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceClient.loadKeyStore(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceClient.getSocketFactory(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceClient.getSocketFactory(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceHttpClient.newInstance(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.getInstance(
clover(17195):  at com.clover.engine.simplesync.SimpleSyncAdapter.onPerformSync(
clover(17195):  at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$

BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195): onPerformSync( sync failed for authority: com.clover.broadcast_messages
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Socket factory may not be null
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme.<init>(
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at com.clover.http.DeviceHttpClient.newInstance(
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at com.clover.http.DeviceHttpClient.newInstance(
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.getInstance(
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at com.clover.engine.simplesync.SimpleSyncAdapter.onPerformSync(
BroadcastMessagesSyncAdapter(17195):    at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$

BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195): onPerformSync( sync failed for authority: com.clover.brand_assets
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Socket factory may not be null
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme.<init>(
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceHttpClient.newInstance(
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at com.clover.http.DeviceHttpClient.newInstance(
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.getInstance(
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at com.clover.engine.simplesync.SimpleSyncAdapter.onPerformSync(
    BrandAssetsSyncAdapter(17195):  at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$

AndroidRuntime(20736): FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[FindLaunchActivityService]
AndroidRuntime(20736): Process: com.clover.launcher, PID: 20736
AndroidRuntime(20736): java.lang.SecurityException: Access denied to package com.clover.launcher
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.os.Parcel.readException(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.content.ContentProviderClient.query(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.content.ContentProviderClient.query(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at com.clover.launcher.FindLaunchActivityService.getCloverApps(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at com.clover.launcher.FindLaunchActivityService.updateActivities(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at com.clover.launcher.FindLaunchActivityService.onHandleIntent(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
AndroidRuntime(20736):  at

Crash reporting is not working.

CrashSendQueue(17195): run( failed sending: /storage/emulated/0/crash/sending/
CrashSendQueue(17195): java.lang.SecurityException: Access denied to package com.clover.engine
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.providers.MerchantsProvider.query(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at android.content.ContentProvider.query(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at android.content.ContentResolver.query(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at android.content.ContentResolver.query(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.EngineMerchantImpl.getEmployeeBundle(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.EngineMerchantImpl.getEmployeeBundle(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.EngineMerchantImpl.getEmployeeBundle(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.EngineMerchantImpl.getActiveEmployee(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.common.util.Utils.updateBaseRequest(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at com.clover.engine.crash.CrashSendQueue$
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
CrashSendQueue(17195):  at
10 |2000

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Mike M avatar image Mike M commented ·

Are these crashes all on emulator or did you deploy the dev-apks to the device as well?

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bbiwer avatar image bbiwer commented ·

Emulator and device have identical symptoms and logged exceptions. I had been using both to successfully deploy and test our app.

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Mike M avatar image Mike M commented ·

Sorry, I'm having a difficult time in reproducing the issue. Can you please list the versions of the updater and engine apks that you installed?

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bbiwer avatar image bbiwer commented ·

I am simply using the current version from this website: Development APKs

  • App Updater: com.clover.appupdater-1096.apk
  • Clover: com.clover.engine-1787.apk

The first batch of updates downloaded by the App Updater allows me to login with no crashing. Clover begins to immediately download additional updates, and apps begin to crash if I install these.

I was able to sideload the Register and Orders apps from the website to hobble along in my testing.

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bbiwer avatar image bbiwer commented ·

Correction: I was using com.clover.engine-1476.apk until this morning. I am unable to successfully sideload at all using the current APK from the website (1787).

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

We are working on a fix. Stay tuned.

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anthonypinto avatar image
anthonypinto answered James Tickett commented

We had an issue with a recent release that impacts emulators and emulating devices using Clover Engine in the production environment. In order to fix the issue do one of the following:

1) If you have root adb access you can run: adb shell sqlite3 -header -line /data/data/ "UPDATE secure SET value='prod_us' where name like 'clover_target';


2) Manually download and install the newest version of engine to your device from


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bbiwer avatar image bbiwer commented ·

I manually downloaded the Clover engine APK from this link, and it solved my crashing problem. Thank you.

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georgi avatar image georgi commented ·

This is ridiculous. After update everything starts crashing again. Can you please fix the latest release in the dev apks which is com.clover.engine-1804.apk. It is still crashing and this is really unforgivable.

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Mike M avatar image Mike M commented ·

Another option is to just try retargeting your emulator/device to the applicable environment via the environment script.

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James Tickett avatar image James Tickett commented ·

Should be fairly straightforward but just wanted to point out a missing speech mark at the end of the query. I used:

sqlite3 -header -line /data/data/ "UPDATE secure SET value='prodeu' where name like 'clovertarget'";

Initially worried as it crashed a couple more times (probably tried too soon), but a moment later I could open "Add Account" without crashes and log in successfully.


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James Tickett avatar image James Tickett commented ·

Hi Wingnut,

I struggled with that script too, but it looks as if its only a fancy wrapper for that one line of code in my last comment. The only purpose it has is to tweak the string to target the correct device in ADB, and then set the correct environment in that string/query being used. e.g. "value='prod_us'"

I ought to point out though that the code in my last comment is wrong and I can't edit it! (underscores seem to vanish and format text as italics).

First connect to your clover device via ADB shell, then run:

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