
edward avatar image
edward asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Using action intents in the intent filter for an activity

I'm trying to follow the examples in the docs here:
and also here:

I'd like to get a button on the payment screen. I haven't been able to get anything to happen using


No button and no log statements reached. I've tried several other intents with the same results.

When I filter the logcat output of my emulator for "clover.intent", the only intents I ever see are "com.clover.intent.action.PAY" and "com.clover.intent.action.START_ORDER_MANAGE". I've also tried using these in my intent filters, and nothing happens.

It looks like the examples in the github repository are very old. Is there a different way to do this now?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

The payment flow is pretty tightly controlled, you can't just add a new arbitrary button ( Are you perhaps looking to add a customer tender?

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