I have been using the ORDER_CREATED intent to hook into the register app and launch my app screen at the beginning of each order. This worked fine until recently, when something changed that caused my app to not be launched when first opening the register app.
I have a receiver registered to the in the manifest as follows:
<receiver android:name=".Receivers.BLOrderStartReceiver" android:enabled="true" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.clover.intent.action.ORDER_CREATED" /> </intent-filter> </receiver>
I found that when an order is completed and I press done on the register, the register resets with a new order and my receiver is called as expected, meaning the only time that the receiver does not get called is when the register app is either not running and is launched, or is in the background and is reopened to a new order.
Is this intent no longer being used on the initial start up of the register, if not is there a different intent I should be looking for?