Hello, I have been testing refund transaction, but it does not work anymore. Last time when I saw the refund works was August 20th (2 month ago). Is there anyone who has had same issue? What should I do with the error message
Could not void\/return transaction: TOKEN FAILURE
I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 56959 D/MainActivity: RefundPaymentRequest - Full: RefundPaymentRequest{json='{"paymentId":"CVN5583C3N32W","orderId":"T4TPSJQQ52ZWA","fullRefund":true}', bundle=null, changeLog=Bundle[{orderId=null, fullRefund=null, paymentId=null}]} I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 53952 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 50906 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 47864 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 44820 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 41784 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 38740 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 35696 D/FullRefund: Full Refund Request was sent successfully. check# : 9 amount : -1149 tip : 0 I/Choreographer: Skipped 1244 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. W/MainActivity: onPause -----------------6 V/RenderScript: 0xb8d8af58 Launching thread(s), CPUs 4 W/IInputConnectionWrapper: showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 32660 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 29616 W/PAY-----: onRefundPaymentResponse: RefundPaymentResponse{json='{"success":false,"result":"FAIL","message":"Could not void\/return transaction: TOKEN FAILURE","refund":null}', bundle=null, changeLog=Bundle[{success=null, refund=null, result=null, message=null}]} I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 26571 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 23526 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 20477 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 17434 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 14374 I/--- Server:send: Rest of the delay: 11287 W/System.err: Refund Request Failed - null
Refund request
private void makeFullRefund(){ PayInfo payInfo = mEmporterPayInfo; boolean isRefundRequestSent = false; int enteredCheckNum = 0; // 1. Check if exists the sale transaction to refund for (CheckInfo aTransaction : pastTransactions) { int checkNumTrans = aTransaction.getNumber();//The check number which was stored beforehand enteredCheckNum = payInfo.mCheckInfo.getNumber(); if(aTransaction.getDate() == null) continue; if(aTransaction.getDate().equals(payInfo.mCheckInfo.getDate())) { if (aTransaction.getStatus() == CheckInfo.Status.PAID) { if (checkNumTrans == enteredCheckNum) { //prepare to show tip amount after getting a refund request's response successfully payInfo.mTipAmount = aTransaction.getTip(); // 2. Process full refund transaction RefundPaymentRequest refund = new RefundPaymentRequest(); refund.setPaymentId(aTransaction.getPaymentId()); refund.setOrderId(aTransaction.getOrderId()); refund.setFullRefund(true); Log.d(TAG, "RefundPaymentRequest - Full: " + refund.toString()); isRefundRequestSent = true; paymentConnector.refundPayment(refund);// check payInfo.mTipAmount } } else if (aTransaction.getStatus() == CheckInfo.Status.REFUNDED) { Toast.makeText(this, "The refund for check #" + enteredCheckNum + " was already completed.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.d("FullRefund", "The refund was already completed."); } } } if (isRefundRequestSent) { Toast.makeText(this, "Full Refund Request was sent successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Log.d("FullRefund", "Full Refund Request was sent successfully."); } else { // In case you have found nothing Log.d("FullRefund", "Full Refund Request was not sent because the check #" + enteredCheckNum + " does not exist in this app." ); UI_sendMessage(MSG_ERROR_NO_CHECK_TO_REFUND); } logCheckNumAmount("FullRefund", payInfo); }
@Override public void onRefundPaymentResponse(RefundPaymentResponse response) { if (DEBUG) Log.w("PAY-----", "onRefundPaymentResponse: " + response); PayInfo payInfo = mEmporterPayInfo; try { if (response.getSuccess()) { int checkNumToDelete = payInfo.mCheckInfo.getNumber(); String checkNumDate = payInfo.mCheckInfo.getDate(); deleteOneRecord(checkNumToDelete, checkNumDate); Refund refund = response.getRefund(); System.out.println("Refund Request Successful"); System.out.println(" ID: " + refund.getId()); System.out.println(" Amount: " + refund.getAmount()); System.out.println(" Order ID: " + response.getOrderId()); System.out.println(" Payment ID: " + response.getPaymentId()); payInfo.mRespCode = CODE_OK; payInfo.mRespMessage = ""; payInfo.mExpDate = null; payInfo.mPurchaseAmount = refund.getAmount(); payInfo.mCashBackAmount = 0; payInfo.mSurchargeAmount = 0; payInfo.mTipAmount = -payInfo.mTipAmount; payInfo.mCheckInfo.setStatus(CheckInfo.Status.REFUNDED); logCheckNumAmount("REFUND-----", payInfo); UI_sendMessage(MSG_REFUND_FINISH); return; } else { System.err.println("Refund Request Failed - " + response.getReason()); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error handling sale response: " + ex); } }