
dhananjay avatar image
dhananjay asked dhananjay answered

Unable to find intent to get product code when using ACTION_LINE_ITEM_ADDED

Hi team,

I am using ACTION_LINE_ITEM_ADDED intent to for item added to register application.

and by using the below method I am able to get ordered, lineItemId and ItemId

orderId = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.ORDER_ID")
lineItemId = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.LINE_ITEM_ID")
val itemId: String? = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.ITEM_ID")

I need a Product code but am unable to find the intent for it.

thank you,

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

You have the itemId, you should use the InventoryConnector to obtain the item and grab the product code -

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dhananjay avatar image
dhananjay answered

thnx for the response. I want to get the price of the item created currently in the register application.

how can I get that from lineItemId

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