what would be redirect url for sandbox testing
I am following Auth 2.0 documentation https://docs.clover.com/docs/using-oauth-20#section-step-2-receive-an-authorization-code
Your app has no site url defined - please see https://docs.clover.com/docs/merchant-interaction and https://docs.clover.com/docs/using-oauth-20.
how can I setup technical session with you guys
You can email our developer relations but I'm not sure what a technical session is - developer-relations@devrel.clover.com. My suggestion would be to provide as many details as possible and specify the questions you need answers to.
can you please let me know what would be site url if i have test app in sandbox. what it would be in production?
You can read about the site url here - https://docs.clover.com/docs/merchant-interaction.. It is where merchant's will be redirected to when they install your app, click on it from the dashboard, etc. It is a link to your server/web-app.
@David site url can be any url or it should be working url?
when you said my server. It means I should have web app up and running which should be publicly available? Or is it web app I have created in sandbox?
@David I am getting 401.
when rest call
curl --request GET --url https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/<marchand id> --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer d31947e5-bb41-e04d-9ec5-0d6bbad98c24'
I am passing merchant id and auth token. I am getting auth token by making this rest call
merchant id : HP5ZGM3AA1591
You are trying to obtain merchant data but your token doesn't have merchant read permissions because your app hasn't requested them. You need to adjust your Clover app configuration's permissions to request merchant read and then uninstall/reinstall your app from the dashboard and then obtain a new token - https://community.clover.com/articles/23744/resolving-401-unauthorized-responses-when-making-a.html
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