
spiceappmatt avatar image
spiceappmatt asked spiceappmatt commented

Emulator not connecting to Sandbox...

I have just come back from vacation and we are beginning final testing of our Clover integration in the sandbox. I have two emulators for two separate sandbox merchant accounts that were working fine before I left. I place an order, the order populates in my sandbox merchant account, it triggers a webhook on my server that then populates order info on my app side.

On July 30th, a couple days before I left for vacation, this was working fine. Now the emulators are not sending the order info to my sandbox merchants. If I had trouble connecting before, I simply synced the emulated register and it would re-establish connection. This is no longer working.

What gives? Has something changed in the last couple weeks? Do I need to update my dev apks? When I pull up the native Android launcher, I'm able to connect to the internet though the browser, so it's not a general connection issue, it's an issue with the emulator connecting to Clover.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered spiceappmatt commented

We had an issue with the emulator while you were gone on vacation. Try re-installing engine -

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spiceappmatt avatar image spiceappmatt commented ·
Thanks a bunch! It's working now. App Updater seems to be working now as well.
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