
tusharj avatar image
tusharj asked csiworks answered

Auto split payment based on categories of items

We want to verify if it is possible to make automatic split payment functionality in register application based on different payment method for items. We have categorized items based on EBT food and non EBT food. There are EBT cash and EBT card payment methods which is used to buy food items along with other essential items, but not alcohol or cigarettes. We want something like if we have 20 items in order and after we tap pay, the items belonging EBT and non-EBT food automatically split up with their relevant payment methods so that we don't make a mistake by selling non approved items on EBT in register application.

Clover does not automatically do this and it is difficult for business owners to manually separate items when they encounter a sale that has many items in which customers are buying food, beer, soap etc.

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bham avatar image
bham answered

I am currently going through the same issue. Is there a way for Clover to separate the things ebt will cover vs not? I don't know how customers are paying until after...

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csiworks avatar image
csiworks answered

There is an app by CSI Works.

App enables merchants to automatically keep items split in Register during checkout.

Checkout the app here:

Watch Functional Video Demo Here:

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