
richa avatar image
richa asked David Marginian commented

clover not updating stock in sandbox

In clover sandbox account,when I try to update stock count by going in inventory->stocks, it shows saved at first but when I return back to that page it shows me blank .

For example , For product P1 I set stock count = 10. It shows saved.I go to some other other and come back to stock page under inventory, it show me stock count = for product P1.can you please help me with why this is happening.

Also I am not getting option in add or edit product in sandbox for stock quantity.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Updating stock on sandbox works fine for me.

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richa avatar image richa commented ·
It works fine for me in my old sandbox accounts.But for new merchants it dont works fine
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ richa commented ·
I just created a new merchant, a new item and the stock count updated without issue.
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richa avatar image richa richa commented ·

I am attaching screenshot as well.In add Item also stock quantity text box is not availableadd-inventory.png

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add-inventory.png (25.5 KiB)
David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ richa commented ·
You need to go to Inventory - Setup and enable stock tracking.
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