
jasonwang1024 avatar image
jasonwang1024 asked jasonwang1024 commented

Inventory API bug? Returning price incorrectly{mi...

I am calling this API to get the list of all inventory. I find that the price returned is incorrect. For example I have a item with price 5.20, but the API returns 520.
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jasonwang1024 avatar image jasonwang1024 commented ·
Am I suppose to divide by 100 for every price returned..? That seems odd
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1 Answer

keithryanwong avatar image
keithryanwong Deactivated answered keithryanwong Deactivated edited
Hi @jasonwang1024,

All payment interactions are conducted in cents. You will indeed need to divide by 100 if you want to display prices. If you're wondering why, it's to avoid rounding errors.


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