
sublimesolutions avatar image
sublimesolutions asked David Marginian answered

How to sync online orders from website to physical POS in restuarant?

My client is still determining their POS solution, and with the robust developer support that Clover seems to have as opposed to other closed-door POS systems, I'm leaning towards pushing them over to Clover. My question is this:

How can we integrate our existing online take-out ordering app (Node/MongoDB/NextJS/React) in such a way that when customers place an order online, the order gets added to the in-house POS? Which SDK will I need to utilize to make this happen (I assume Remote Pay Cloud)? And will the orders be able to print out like standard in-house orders? Can customers access their order history with their customer accounts through this API?

Thank you for your assistance!

REST APIe-commerce apiWebhooksRemote Pay Cloud
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered sublimesolutions commented

Remote Pay Cloud is for card present payments, which doesn't sound like what you are looking for. You would use our REST APIs, mainly our orders API, you can read our documentation for more information - Orders created via API will sync to the device automatically (if in the correct state). We have a print API coming that will allow you to print orders. "Can customers access their order history with their customer accounts through this API?". I don't believe so, customers don't have Clover accounts. You would have to implement this on your end.

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sublimesolutions avatar image sublimesolutions commented ·

Thank you for the quick and thorough response, David.

Couple of follow-up questions:

  1. To clarify, the orders will go through the Order API and payments through the Ecommerce API, and the orders will show up on the Orders screen of (for example) the Clover Station Duo system, with the ability to be tagged as a particular order type (i.e. takeout)? I apologize if this seems like a silly question - I have not had the opportunity to fiddle with the Clover POS devices myself, and the dev kits are very pricy (wish we could install devkit software on our own devices).
  2. How would we go about accessing Clover's customer loyalty program without customers having Clover accounts? Is there a REST API we can use to tie their loyalty data to the accounts created on our end so that they can use loyalty points both in-house and online? Integrating the online system with the loyalty program is a big factor for us, too. If there is no RESTful Loyalty API, what other avenues are possible?
  3. Any ETA on the print API? I understand these things take time, I just don't want to make any promises to my client that I can't keep.
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

1) You can try using the emulator -

2) I don't believe we expose our loyalty API.

3) I believe it is going live at the end of this month (July 2021), so very soon.

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