
thoughtspacewebsites avatar image
thoughtspacewebsites asked thoughtspacewebsites commented

eCommerce partial auth?

Just to make sure, from everything I'm seeing, it looks like if a card with insufficient funds is processed through the eCommerce /v1/charges endpoint, it declines instead of doing a partial capture. From my testing this appears to be the case, but I saw some past forum questions regarding these charges still showing up at a later date. Can you verify if charges to cards with insufficient funds are indeed declined, and no additional processing needs done on my end to void the charge before prompting the user to try another payment method?

REST APIe-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered thoughtspacewebsites commented

Payments made through our ECommerce API that are partially authorized will be rejected. The forum question you are referring to was probably for a semi integration, card-present payment using our Clover Connector (in which case partially authorized payments are allowed and the integrator would need to void the payment, etc.).

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thoughtspacewebsites avatar image thoughtspacewebsites commented ·
Thanks for the clarification here.
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