
jmerola avatar image
jmerola asked David Marginian answered

Send ID when creating employee via REST API

The documentation at says that a value can be sent for the JSON parameter "id" when creating an employee via the API. However, every time I've testing this function, the API ignores the provided value and returns a Clover-generated unique value instead. Is there any way to send a value through for id in such a way that it is actually set as the employee's id? If not, why does the documentation imply that it's possible to do this? The only fields that should be listed in the Create Employee reference are the ones that will actually apply to the created account.

REST APIEmployees
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

No, I don't believe there is a way to set the "id" property. Unfortunately, this is a well-known problem with our API documentation and it isn't easy to fix.

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