
david09n avatar image
david09n asked lisalm edited

Text print stops working after upgrading to version 4.0.5 of remote-pay-cloud API

We upgraded remote-pay-cloud api from 3.1.0 to 4.0.5

Most things (sale, refund, batch close...) are working fine. One thing stop working after the upgrade is text print: nothing is printed out the printer.

Question: what change do I need to make to our code for that text print to work on the new version?

Here's our current code (which working fine with 3.1.0):

var lines = ["line 1", "line 2"];
var pr = new sdk.remotepay.PrintRequest();

We looked that the messages exchanged on the websocket and can see the following differences:

With the old API version:


From client:

id: "5"
method: "PRINT_TEXT"
packageName: ""
payload: "{\"method\":\"PRINT_TEXT\",\"version\":0,\"textLines\":[\"line 1\",\"line 2\"]}"
remoteApplicationID: "our app id..."
remoteSourceSDK: ""
type: "COMMAND"
version: 2

Responses from the device:

attachment: null
attachmentEncoding: null
attachmentUri: null
authentication: null
directed: false
fragmentIndex: null
id: "360"
lastFragment: null
method: "ACK"
packageName: ""
payload: "{\"METHOD_TYPE\":\"ACK\",\"method\":\"ACK\",\"reason\":null,\"rejected\":false,\"sourceMessageId\":\"5\",\"sourceMethod\":\"PRINT_TEXT\"}"
remoteApplicationID: ""
remotePayCompatibilityVersion: 1
remoteSourceSDK: "com.clover.internal.apps"
type: "COMMAND"
version: 2

attachment: null
attachmentEncoding: null
attachmentUri: null
authentication: null
directed: false
fragmentIndex: null
id: "361"
lastFragment: null
packageName: ""
payload: "{\"status\":\"IN_QUEUE\",\"method\":\"PRINT_JOB_STATUS_RESPONSE\",\"version\":1}"
remoteApplicationID: ""
remotePayCompatibilityVersion: 1
remoteSourceSDK: "com.clover.internal.apps"
type: "COMMAND"
version: 2

... and more responses from the device until printing is done.

With the new API version:


From client:

id: "5"
method: "PRINT_TEXT"
packageName: ""
payload: "{\"method\":\"PRINT_TEXT\",\"messageId\":\"5\",\"version\":0,\"textLines\":{\"elements\":[\"line 1\",\"line 2\"]}}"
remoteApplicationID: "our app id..."
remoteSourceSDK: ""
type: "COMMAND"
version: 2

Responses from the device:

attachment: null
attachmentEncoding: null
attachmentUri: null
authentication: null
directed: false
fragmentIndex: null
id: "369"
lastFragment: null
method: "ACK"
packageName: ""
payload: "{\"METHOD_TYPE\":\"ACK\",\"method\":\"ACK\",\"reason\":null,\"rejected\":false,\"sourceMessageId\":\"5\",\"sourceMethod\":\"PRINT_TEXT\"}"
remoteApplicationID: ""
remotePayCompatibilityVersion: 1
remoteSourceSDK: "com.clover.internal.apps"
type: "COMMAND"
version: 2

Above is the only printing message responded from the device, and nothing printed out from the device printer.

semi-integrationsPrintRemote Pay Cloud
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

brohammie avatar image
brohammie answered David Marginian edited

We have released 4.0.6 to fix this issue. Thanks again for reporting!

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Thank you for reporting this. We will take a look.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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