
yilipiao avatar image
yilipiao asked David Marginian commented

Can I merge all orders for the same customer?

Can I merge all orders for the same name customer? since our front desk created many customers for one customer. so i could not link one customer's orders.

OrdersREST APICustomers
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yilipiao avatar image
yilipiao answered

How does clover recognize two customers r the same one?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Our API provides the data and capability to correct this problem, you will just have to write the code to do it. Customers can be updated/deleted and the customers associated with an order can be updated via POSTING to { {url}}/v3/merchants/{ {mid}}/orders/{ {orderId}}:

    "customers": [
            "id": "7JWB09RWJHMCE"

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yilipiao avatar image yilipiao commented ·

How does clover recognize two customers r the same one?

And I was exporting customers csv file from clover, but I only got customers who created before Feb, I could't get all customers. I am not sure why.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ yilipiao commented ·

Can you clarify what you mean by export? Are you talking about the export in the UI? There may be some limitation on that. I would use the API to obtain the data.

"How does clover recognize two customers r the same one?"

I don't understand what you are asking, two customers are obviously not the same customer.

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yilipiao avatar image yilipiao David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

1. I am exporting customer csv form data from clover dashboard, and there are not enough customers.

2. how does clover machine recognize who is the same customer? every time I use the same name, the same phone number and email, it still creates a different customer.

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