
andrew-d avatar image
andrew-d asked kirby answered

Order Line Items export logic?

What is the logic or the query for the order line items export?

We are trying to tie the sales data we are retrieving from Clover to data that we are displaying in our app and are running into some discrepancies.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered atmiguel commented

You want to retrieve an order with it's line items?


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andrew-d avatar image andrew-d commented ·

We've been able to successfully retrieved orders with line items and discounts, now we are trying to compare what we are displaying in our app vs what the customer would see in clover. We are exporting the Orders - Line Items report (individual line items) and comparing it to the same date range in our app -- we are looking for clarification on the specific logic used for that export's data query.

Also, is that export using cached data? We have noticed some discrepancies if an old order gets modified or re-opened?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ andrew-d commented ·
"we are looking for clarification on the specific logic used for that export's data query."

What is your question?

Also, is that export using cached data? We have noticed some discrepancies if an old order gets modified or re-opened?

This API will return the up-to-date line items for the order.

If you need more assistance you will need to explain and detail the discrepancies you are seeing.

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atmiguel avatar image atmiguel David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I can provide some detail on the discrepancies we're seeing.

We used Clover's Order Line Item export feature, setting the date range from February 1, 2021 to February 28, 2021. We then created a report for the same time range within our own application, using the data we've retrieved from Clover's REST API. The issue we're seeing is that Clover's export seems to be including a handful of orders that our application is excluding and vice-versa.

We're just trying to understand exactly what query Clover's Order Line Item export feature uses so that we can match our report to it. For example, for the date range filter, we're not sure which date field is being used. Is the the clientCreatedTime or the modifiedTime? Perhaps some combination of the two?

Additionally, we saw that many of the excluded orders had state set to open. But then there were a handful of orders with state set to open that were included in the export.

In summary, we were unable to come up with a query that would produce a matching set of orders to Clover's Order Line Item export. Any information you can give us on the underlying query logic of that export would be greatly appreciated.

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kirby avatar image
kirby answered

Yeah, unfortunately there is a fairly major difference in how the line item exports in the Orders section finds their data versus the line items that appear on the page in the HTML table.

Under the covers the exports are actually running the Items report from the Reporting section.

In the Reporting section, the date that items are considered sold is when the item was first paid.

If you run Items report over the payment time
then you will see that the export matches

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