
a-leafiy avatar image
a-leafiy asked David Marginian edited

Ecomm api dose not calculate discount amount.

I'm selling some special items which not available in my shop and clover post. So I don't have the item UUID for using atomic order api. So I've tried the ecomm api. It seems work fine for me.

But why not provide an Ecomm discount api? I'm using this api for apply discounts to orders


The order details includes the discounts but the price not correct!!

e-commerce apiDiscounts
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you provide us with a Clover Order ID please. If in production, please provide the order id in a private/moderators only post ( Thank you.

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a-leafiy avatar image a-leafiy David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David. Here is a sandbox order ID: 2BP1M06BHF5V0

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

The EComm's order API is limited and does not allow you to set a discount when the order is created. You are using the EComm API to create the order and the order's total is properly set at that time. You are then modifying the order and applying a discount in a subsequent call. You are responsible for calculating and properly updating the total if you make any modifications to the order after it has been created (

As an alternative, you can us the v3/orders endpoints to create the order, add line items, discounts, etc. ( and NOT set a total. You can then use the v1/orders/pay endpoint which will properly calculate the total. Note, the v1/orders/pay endpoint will ONLY calculate the total if a total has not already been set.

10 |2000

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a-leafiy avatar image a-leafiy commented ·

I'm using ecomm api because I'm selling items which I do not want my shop's employees to see them. So I do not have the item UUID to create orders using v3/orders. Is there any other options?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ a-leafiy commented ·

I understand your situation, and the answer I provided is tailored to it. The two options I outlined are what is available now. Please read the documentation I provided. The v3/orders API works without Clover inventory -

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