
tmly2006 avatar image
tmly2006 asked David Marginian edited

Rest api: Applied discounts on a order doesn't affect total payment.


3 items is $15

tax: $1.39

discounts: $-1

but the total payment is: $16.39

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited


I had a minute so I looked into this. It appears you are using the ecomm api to create an order and then immediately after creation you use the v3 api to add a discount to it. You then pay for the order later (v1/order/{orderId}/pay). Is that correct? I pinged the EComm team about this, but I am not certain it is a bug. The order/pay endpoint only calculates a total if a total has not already been set. And, in this case the total is set when the order is created. I would recommend creating the order in one shot using and then using the v1/order/{orderId}/pay endpoint, which should work and result in a properly calculated order total. Let me know.


Please take a look at our guidelines - You are leaving out a lot of critical details here such as how is the order being created, how is it being paid for, are you setting the total or are you relying on us to? What environment are you working in, etc. etc.

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tmly2006 avatar image tmly2006 commented ·

Thanks for the reply.

In this case I used ecomm api (NODEJS) to create the order items like this

order.items = {
    tax_rates = [{
          "id": merchant.taxId,
          "name": merchant.taxLabel,
          "rate": merchant.taxRate
    quantity = item.quantity
    currency = 'usd'
    type = 'sku'
    description = 'item despcription'
    amount = item.unitPrice * 100


After the order is created, I can't find a way to apply my discounts with Ecomm api, so I used '/v3/merchants/${mid}/orders/${orderId}/discounts' to add discounts. Then I used '/v1/orders/${cloverOrder.cloverId}/pay' Ecomm api to pay.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ tmly2006 commented ·

Right, so follow the advice I gave you in my answer above and let me know how that works for you.

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