
yilipiao avatar image
yilipiao asked jhonsnow sent

cannot get any order from sandbox webhooks

I am developing an inventory app for my company, and I set up webhooks and made orders in my sandbox account, but I could not get any result. I can get inventory item but not the order.

OrdersREST APISandboxWebhooks
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Does your app have orders read permissions? If so, did you add those permissions after it was originally installed? If so, you will need to uninstall/reinstall the app.

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yilipiao avatar image yilipiao commented ·

I don't understand. I did not install any app.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ yilipiao commented ·

Webhooks allow your application to receive notifications when merchants who have installed your app perform certain actions. 

A Clover app is required to configure webhooks and the app must be installed on your test merchant ( in order for you to receive webhooks.

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makosa avatar image
makosa answered

The Minecraft Jenny Mod commonly referred to as the Minecraft Love Mod, is an unofficial modification created by SlipperyTum for the game Minecraft.

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deblaincovsnig avatar image
deblaincovsnig answered

To resolve this, ensure that the webhook endpoint URL is correct and publicly accessible, as sandbox environments may require proper routing and SSL certificates. Check the webhook logs for any failed requests or errors, and verify that the webhook is correctly subscribed rena monrovia when you transport something by car ... to the appropriate event types, such as "order created" or "order updated." Additionally, ensure that the sandbox environment you're using is generating order data to trigger the webhook. Debugging by using tools like ngrok or inspecting logs may help pinpoint where the issue lies.

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