
jonathanci avatar image
jonathanci asked jonathanci commented

TestCard not working Flex 2 devkit


I am trying to process payment on devkit using the testcard provided. I swipe it and i get an error:

Transaction refusée: Frais refusés SERV NOT ALLOWED Card type cannot be processed on your merchant account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you beleive this to be incorrect.

I verified in the payment section of my merchant : cash and credit is allowed.

I manage once to get it to work. I dont know why, it only worked once in many may many attenpts.

Do you know how I can resolve this?

Clover Flex
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

What is your merchant id? What test card are you using?

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jonathanci avatar image
jonathanci answered David Marginian edited

I gave Merchant info in moderator only comment

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Restart your device and try again.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Please do not submit private comments unless you are sharing private data. The reason is that you will be unable to see my responses. Interesting that some transactions are going through, and others are not. Can you try using the Sale app on the device? Regarding the signature validation screen, that is something your POS needs to handle. Please take a look at This page doesn't specifically talk about signature challenges but it is the same idea (you can avoid signature challenges by setting autoAcceptSignature on the payment request). Also, take a look at our best practices -

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jonathanci avatar image
jonathanci answered David Marginian commented

I did use the sale app on the device and it worked 3 times in a row. I only have problem through cloud pay display. It worked once when i restarted the device. So I restarted again. I did retry to send a salerequest throught testpos I get the first error : Transaction refusée: Frais refusés SERV NOT ALLOWED Card type cannot be processed on your merchant account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you beleive this to be incorrect. I did retry a couple times I got it to work once another time. I retried again and again, and I got the 2 errors in alternance :

  1. Transaction refusée: Frais refusés SERV NOT ALLOWED Card type cannot be processed on your merchant account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you beleive this to be incorrect.
  2. Transaction refusée : Frais refusés RE539 - PLPOSDebit is invalid| RE0665 - PLPOSDebitFlg is invalid|
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Via Remote Pay, try running an Auth instead of a sale. I realize that is not what you want to do but I suspect it will work and may help us narrow down the problem.

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jonathanci avatar image
jonathanci answered David Marginian commented



I tried to implement an auth function which i assume is the same as a sale except it as an AuthRequest instead of a SaleRequest.

// Perform an auth
RemotePayCloudTutorial.prototype.performAuth = function (amount) {
    var authRequest = new clover.remotepay.AuthRequest();
    if (document.getElementById("checkbox-manual-card-entry").checked) {
        document.getElementById("checkbox-manual-card-entry").checked = false;
    // localStorage will store the amount as a string, even though it's an int.
    window.localStorage.setItem("lastTransactionRequestAmount", amount);

The code goes through(breakpoint hit). there is no error, but nothing happens on the device.

Do you have an all working example i can use to make the test. I search for Virtual Key pad in store, it seems to not be there. I also try to use the Remote pay cloud button in the left pane of my dashboard, but it leads nowhere. Or maybe you can tell me what is wrong with the code above.


I also tried partial auth, which always works with the manually entered card number provided, for this purpose, in the tutorial. I accept the partial auth. Then i sign. I accept the signature. Then I have to start another sale because it was only partially paid. For the second part, I use the test card, and I get the same error as the first time. Transaction refusée: Frais refusés SERV NOT ALLOWED Card type cannot be processed on your merchant account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you beleive this to be incorrect.


Here is some info that can maybe help:

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Those issues are not related. Instead of using the code lab, I would recommend taking a look at a simple starter and learning how the API works - The app here is small (a single JS file) and includes all of our best practices. You can modify the sale request to be an auth, or whatever you would like.

"The code goes through(breakpoint hit). there is no error, but nothing happens on the device."

I can execute an auth without an issue. You would need to perform some debugging on your end (browser debug console).

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I made another change to your gateway config, try a sale again.

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jonathanci avatar image
jonathanci answered jonathanci commented

I want to say that before your last change to my gateway, I have found that the error only occur to 50.00 and less. When I try 50.01 or more it works everytime. It is maybe a config in the sandbox api.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Ah, yes. That is a known issue with the test gateway emulator. Can you just run the sales through for more than 50?

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jonathanci avatar image jonathanci David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

yes, it's ok for me. as long as it is working.

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