
ezpays avatar image
ezpays asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Question for Charge Refund API

I called Charge Refund API. It was Success to refund. But I can still see the refunded transaction.

As my knowledge, if I refund the transaction, it will not be showed or at least change the transaction status.

Though I refunded one transaction, Total Success Amount is showed 36$.


How can I understand this problem?

Developer Pay API
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

That is expected. The payment associated with the refund was successful, it was just refunded at a later date.

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ezpays avatar image ezpays commented ·

then why can I see the refunded transaction on Success transaction?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ezpays commented ·

I just said that the payment associated with the refund was successful. It was just refunded at a later time. That doesn't mean a payment never happened, it did, and that is accurately reflected in the dashboard.

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ezpays avatar image ezpays David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

transaction was refunded. But the refunded amount is still showed on Success transaction dashboard.

Think this please.
I made 10 transactions. Each transaction has same amount - 10$
I refunded one of them. Then refunded amount must be removed on Success transaction dashboard, and refunded dashboard must be updated.

But now refunded dashboard is updated, Success transaction amount is not updated.
If Success transaction dashboard is not updated, how can I know which one is refunded, and how can I know how much money is available on my clover merchant?

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