
rescuedtreasures avatar image
rescuedtreasures asked aehrlich answered

How to redeem Gift Certificates, not gift cards

I'm trying to set up a Gift Certificate Program for our non profit, I need a redeem button as form of payment that subtracts to amount of the gift cert but keeps the tax in the total. I'm being told that is not an option within Clover that I need to use a Gift Card app. That app charges $.05 per $2 redeemed because its considered a "swipe". I don't want to use that since we aren't swiping anything.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

You can create your own gift card system by making an app that utilizes Custom Tender and, when selected, that Custom Tender can be used as payment. Please keep in mind that you will need to build out a system that distributes and tracks gift card credits in order for the custom tender to take an amount off of customers' orders. In your case, that may be incorporating a manual entry field so that the employee can enter in the amount on the gift certificate.

Alternatively, you can explore the gift card apps on Clover App Market, many of which offer gift card programs without the physical gift cards. Typically they track and redeem credits using QR codes.

And one final alternative: you could look on Clover App Market for an app that creates a custom tender button and allows you to enter exactly how much should be counted as paid from the gift certificate.

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aehrlich avatar image
aehrlich answered

Try Gift Redeemer:

Clover app market:


I am the creator of Gift Redeemer. If we are missing a feature that would help your use case, I'd love to hear about it. Let me know!

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