Getting lot of 500 Internal Server Error from both of our apps.
Ping Me If: ETB6JD25JX298
Cash Track: K1R02G57P171Y
Here are some of the calls and timestamps. If you need access token, please let me know, I can send them to you through private comments.
2021-01-23 00:22:16,615 WARN [org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate] - <GET request for ",device&filter=timestamp%3E1572639558000&filter=type%3DOPEN&offset=0&limit=100" resulted in 500 (Internal Server Error); invoking error handler>
2021-01-23 00:22:16,616 ERROR [com.androidspaces.service.DataService] - <processOpenCashDrawers>
org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 Internal Server Error
2021-01-23 00:21:24,652 WARN [org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate] - <GET request for "" resulted in 500 (Internal Server Error); invoking error handler>
2021-01-23 00:21:24,653 ERROR [com.androidspaces.service.DataService] - <updateCashAdjustment>
org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 Internal Server Error