
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked David Marginian edited

clover-hosted-iframe for Production

We are using clover hosted iframe for payment in our application.

We have setup that referring this document :

We have generated key using PAKMS for Production

When we try to use test card on this it successfully generates token. even not validation on card number is fired. We have make sure that we are using production sdk.js and token are also generated for production.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

This is the expected behavior. The iframe doesn't validate that a charge performed via the card will succeed it just validates that the card number's pattern is valid. Likewise, the tokenization performed by the iframe doesn't have any knowledge of whether or not a charge to the card will succeed it just tokenizes the card data.

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bobbygill avatar image bobbygill commented ·

We have also tried creating order and done payment using below api url:<orderid>/pay?source=<paymenttoken>; and it goes through even if payment token is generated with test card (4111 1111 1111 1111).

Also, on Clover dashboard I can see Order status as PAID.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bobbygill commented ·

Is this is a test production account? If so, it is highly likely your merchant is "blackholed". This means the merchant isn't configured to hit a real gateway but a simulated gateway that always accepts all transactions, so the behavior you are seeing is expected. If this isn't a test merchant then you can provide me the merchant id (porivate post) and I can take a look.

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bobbygill avatar image bobbygill David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you so much for your prompt response. I really appreciate it.

how can we check if merchant is test merchant or live?

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