
lizam avatar image
lizam asked David Marginian commented

Partial refund on clover android sdk


We are investigating a way to do refunds with android SDK.

We are trying to achieve a refund with a custom amount and cost to be returned to the same card from what it was paid.

Could somebody please answer questions below and help us to understand if it's possible.

1. First ability is to start manual refund with ACTION_CLOVER_PAY Intent with transaction type CREDIT. In such a way we can use any amount, but we have not found a way to set it to be returned to the same card.

Is there a way with such an approach to specify programmatically a card from a previous transaction or transaction that should be refunded or order to be refunded? (Any ability to return a custom amount to the same card from what it was paid.)

2. Second ability is to start an existing transaction detail with ACTION_START_TRANSACTION_DETAIL intent and allow the user to tap the Refund button from there. In such a way cost will be returned to the same card. But in such case we have not found the ability to change the amount.

Is there any ability to change the amount programmatically for such intent?

3.There are Partialy Refund described here

Is there any way to refund individual items in an order with android sdk programmatically?

4.Please let me know if there are other ways to refund a custom amount to the same card with android SDK. is it possible with other integration? semi-integration?

Thanks in advance

Clover Android SDK
10 |2000

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

lizam avatar image lizam commented ·

Hello, David. Thank you for fast answer

Can you please clarify is that will be possible to refund a custom amount to the same card from what it was paid with Payment Connector?

And maybe you can help and let me know where i can find more details about how refunds can be done with Payment connector?

Thank you

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lizam avatar image lizam David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, David. Thank you it helped a lot

We stacked on one more thing with this partial refunds. Can you please help

When i am trying to do Partial refund for card transaction i am getting "Cannot partially refund a pre-authorization transaction. To do a partial refund this transaction must be closed out first. Consider doing a full refund and redoing the charge."

According to this we should not have PreAuth transactions in UK region.

But all our transactions (made from dev kit device with clover apps) have type PreAuth and requires Closeout . And closeout actualy blocked for our device.

Maybe you have some info about why transactions can be PreAuth in UK region or how can we achieve transactions with type Sale? Is that possible that we have some issue in settings?

Or why closeout can be blocked for our sandbox env?

Thank you in advance

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