
msaleem avatar image
msaleem asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

Submit app Option Disabled Sandbox Environment


I would like to inform that i have created a new sandbox account to develop a application on clover just before 3-4 days back and now i have uploaded an apk but getting submit app option disabled it showing status requires developer approval.

So please us to the steps that we need to follow.

Moreover, if Clover required time to approve this account then what time it will take.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered msaleem commented

The message is accurate. Sandbox is just for testing, all app submissions are done only from the production environment. If you want to submit your app for approval you need to create the app in production and submit it from there.

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msaleem avatar image msaleem commented ·

Thanks David,

I would like to inform that in developer setting section the account status is "Account Verifying" so what time it will take to verify below account.

account email -


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msaleem avatar image
msaleem answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Thanks David,

I would like to inform that in developer setting section the account status is "Account Verifying" so what time it will take to verify below account.

account email -


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

In production or sandbox? If in sandbox your account will never be verified because we don't do verifications from sandbox. All developer account and app approvals need to be submitted from production. I can't provide with timeframes here, you should contact if you have more questions.

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