
bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce asked ragnorrak commented

Exchange items for others with different value

As a small business retailer, I find it strange you can't exchange item(s) for other item(s) with a different value. Highly recommend adding this feature!

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce commented ·

Do y'all think this will be addressed anytime soon?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bobbybruce commented ·

I am watching the issue and will update this thread when there is something noteworthy to report. I don't believe it will be soon because it is an involved change.

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sunrisesurfshop avatar image sunrisesurfshop David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

@David Marginian any update here?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I pinged a few product folks about your requests. They told me that you should be using for non-developer feature requests. This forum is for developers and monitored by developers. The uservoice forum is for merchants and monitored by our product folks. This doesn't change the fact that we do have a few open issues for your requests, however, posting on uservoice may have a larger impact.

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stoneboro-beer avatar image
stoneboro-beer answered ragnorrak commented

For something all POS systems should have not sure what the hold up is. To make it a multiple step process is absurd. There have been posts about this going back years with no progress to it happening.

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ragnorrak avatar image ragnorrak commented ·

People were nasty about this when I worked as a manager at a children's apparel store. I recall a mom attempting to return a dress her daughter had clearly worn because it was "too small." There are grass stains and ketchup all over this, lady. If it was defective, that's OK, but you don't get to bring in your old clothes and exchange them for new ones because you want your child to wear a different dress today.

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