
taktran97 avatar image
taktran97 asked taktran97 commented

Clover had payment gateway for customer system (web/App)?


I am a developer of the online ordering system. My client has a restaurant website and android/ios application. They want to integeate Clover POS to their system. Does Clover had function payment online with credit card? Example: When a customer creates an order on the restaurant system. Does Clover support customers with online payment (credit card,...) for this order using their device (payment gateway) ? And how does this work? Thanks and look forward to your support.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered taktran97 commented

Yes, please take a look at to get started.

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taktran97 avatar image taktran97 commented ·

Thank you very much, David.

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