
mac-s-g avatar image
mac-s-g asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Does Clover integration Require an Integration with Home Base?


We're building an integration that depends on worked-shift data for employees.

I would expect to be able to read this information directly from Clover's api as documented here:

We completed the documented integration but came across an issue while preparing for release.

Based on our observations, it looks like a significant number of clover customers do not manage shifts through clover. Instead they use "Homebase" integration as a 3rd party shift management solution.


Do we need to integrate with "Homebase" to gain access to reliable shift information?

Or - can we rely on the Clover platform to provide reliable shift information as documented in the api docs?

My expectation would be that the "Homebase" posts shift updates back to Clover in order to maintain data integrity for all integrations connected to Clover. Is this a reasonable expectation?

thanks for your help.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

This really seems like a question for Homebase, not Clover. The specifics of their integration and how it works isn't something I am aware of.

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