
jharna27 avatar image
jharna27 asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Order details for PaymentState not open

I want to fetch details of all orders that are closed/paid for.

I am using the following endpoint but it only returns details of orders where paymentState is open:

url = environment + "v3/merchants/"+muid+"/orders?expand=lineItems&expand=lineItems.modifications"

Is there any way to achieve the same? I tried filtering in the endpoint but seems like filtering by paymentState isn't supported. Or please let me know if there is a different endpoint for the same.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

That endpoint returns orders that are paid for, but there is a bug and paymentState won't be accurate unless you expand all of the necessary fields, please see - for an explanation and work-around.

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